Home » 234 Country Code | 234 country area code

234 Country Code | 234 country area code

Country code +234 is for Nigeria. If you are dialing a number in Nigeria from another country, you would use the format:

+234 [local phone number]

For example:

  • Mobile number: +234 812 345 6789
  • Landline: +234 1 234 5678 (where “1” could be a Lagos area code).

234 country code whatsapp

If you are adding a Nigerian number to WhatsApp, you use the following these steps:

  1. Start with +234 (Nigeria’s country code).
  2. Exclude the leading 0 from the local number.


If the local number is 0812 345 6789, enter it as:
+234 812 345 6789

Let me know if you need more details! 🌍📞

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