Home » 5 Link Building Tactics That Will Boost Your Visibility on Search Engines

5 Link Building Tactics That Will Boost Your Visibility on Search Engines

Some SEO experts might have buried Link building but the fact is that Link Building is still an integral part of modern SEO. There is no denying that link building has lost some ground to other ranking factors but if you do that the right way, you can still get some good results. Digital marketing solutions provider is aware of this. Here are five link building tactics that will enhance your visibility on search engines.

  1. Create Valuable Content

With so much content being created and published daily, why would someone read your content? How would you make your content stand out from the crowd? These are some of the most important questions bothering content marketers. The best way is to create content that educate readers and deliver value to them. This could be anything from a How-To post or detailed list post. Try to base your content around your target audience pain points. This way, you can get much better engagement for your content. The more valuable the content, the more share it will get and the higher it will rank on search engines.

Also Read: How To Identify and Remove Bad Backlinks From Google

  1. Guest Post

You can not only write a guest post for a popular publication platform or invite an influencer to write a guest post for your website. Both ways, you can get a link for your website that will help you fare much better on search engine rankings. When you are guest posting on other websites, make sure that you include a link to a relevant post from their site in your post. This will increase the chances for Guest Post to be approved. Similarly, you can also ask guest posters to return the favor when they guest posting on your website.

Get your links placed on high authority website for using guest posting service

  1. Create Info graphics

Did you know that an infographic gets 3 times more share and is 30 times more likely to be read than a text-based article? When you create an infographic and publish on your website, it is important to add an embed code with it. Promote the infographic on appropriate platforms and if you are lucky enough, your infographic will go viral and might get the attention of search engines and some big names in the industry you operate in.

  1. Share Your Own Knowledge

As a business, you might specialize in one domain so why not share your experience and knowledge with others. Become an influencer yourself by solving user’s problems. This will not only portray you as an authority in your industry but you might also get the media attention that will boost your visibility not only online but also offline. Organize, host or be a part of an event, speak at conferences or attend seminars to extend your reach.

  1. Host or Be A Part of A Podcast

Another way to get the search engine’s attention is to host your own podcast. Add a link of your website on podcast page. If you cannot do that, try to become the guest on a popular podcast. People hear podcasts when they are travelling and when they get to know about your business through a podcast, they will search for your business on search engines. The more your podcasts gets share the more chances you have to rank higher on search engines. Additionally, it gives you a great platform to share what your business is all about and what it does with the world. Choose a podcast that is very popular or one, which your target audience listens.

Which link building tactics do you use to boost your search engine rankings? Feel free to share it with us in the comments section below.