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Lead Magnet Ideas

Getting new subscribers onto your email list is the number one reason for creating a landing page on your website! But, you have to figure out what to offer to someone in order to get them to sign up for your email. The special offer is called a Lead Magnet. It is an incentive to the recipient to give you their email address and contact information.

These Lead Magnets solve a problem, helps to achieve a goal that is sought after and they exhibit your business expertise. The following is a list of ideas that you can use for landing pages to increase the number of subscribers who will want to be on your regular email list.

Offer a checklist, a guide or a cheat sheet. These can be things that a person can print out and put on their bulletin board. They are designed to help your audience achieve a goal, become organized or understand a process or a method of doing something. These will help them make important decisions.

A list, guide or sheet is condensed into one actionable list and they are easy to create. They can be guidelines for processes that they may use on an everyday basis.

Give examples and templates for certain types of papers, ads, and communications. People that have to create these things themselves love the help. Proposals, content layouts, keyword ideas, advertising samples are all things that people look for so that they don’t have to invent the wheel. These attract people who need the help.

Toolkits and resource lists help pretty much everyone and people are always looking to add to their existing lists. Offer new apps that you have discovered or even invented. Make sure they make your prospect’s life easier! And a resource list is excellent if you are in a business that needs lots of outside reference and help.Give them a list of your favorite tools in exchange for their email.

Planners and Calendars are sought after ideas and they work for many industries. Workout sessions, dietary menus, walking charts, unusual holidays, tax payment dates and self filling calendars or planners are all things that people respond to in emails.

Offer a Mini Course in a subject that shows off your expertise, but provide specific information and instruction subscribers are looking for. Email courses are fairly easy to put together because they don’t require you to create anything fancy or downloadable.

The best part about email courses is that they can be used to turn prospects into customers. Create a course that they will want to use a certain tool and they get that tool from your business!

Audio Books have a great impact on getting emails. Record an audio book that someone can listen to while they are driving in the car. If you already have an ebook written, just put it on audio. Those that don’t have time to read, definitely have time to listen in the car. Record instructions, pep talks, guides and motivational theories. Include a call to action and you will have listeners jumping from the email list right into the customer category.

Lead Magnets that entertain can attract a whole different audience to your mailing list. Emails that offer Recipes, especially those that go along with a certain time of year like picnics for the Fourth of July or Thanksgiving or Christmas, tempts lots of people who are looking for food ideas. You can find free recipes on the internet or offer your great grandma’s chocolate chip cookies.

Quizzes attract people thanks to Social Media and the amount of quizzes offered there. A quiz can be a very entertaining lead magnet and it converts well! A quiz is designed to have the user answer a series of questions, and then gives out a result. But in order to get the result, they have to enter their email address. You can create a quiz with SurveyMonkey.com.

You can create it and then share it and get results and email addresses immediately. A survey is also another piece that attracts people and it can benefit your business by asking pertinent questions having to do with your industry.

Comic Strips are also attractive to people and a great Lead Magnet. Fotojet. com lets you take photos and then redo them into your own comics. Use people from the office, your dog or cat, the dishes in your cupboard. Create characters and put them onto your emails.

People will have to give your their email address to get more in the series. You can do the same with Quotes. Quotes are very popular these days and the very clever ones get big share numbers. Tease a clever quote on a Facebook posting and include a place where they can sign up for more on an ongoing basis.

And then, there is the Catalog. A catalog does not have to be huge or thick or annual, monthly or forever. You can create a catalog for your products or your services. Describe each in detail with prices included. Offer a coupon with the catalog towards one of your products or services.

When making a landing page on your website as a Lead Magnet, always make the sign up box the largest part of the page. Make it simple for them to just insert their email address and then click a button where it automatically goes to your list. Send a confirmation Thank you email to confirm that the email works and you should see your list grow quickly.

In today’s digital age, email is one of the easiest, cheapest, and most convenient ways to market to a broad audience. If you’re wanting to reach individuals but perhaps are unsure of whether you’d like to do direct mail to people’s mailboxes, we can help you create a virtual mail campaign directly to people’s inboxes instead.

With our highly skilled copy writers, we can create interesting and attention-grabbing emails to send out to prospects. We at Everest Direct Mail and Marketing, can create a full email marketing campaign, with follow up emails and automatic response emails that lead the clients directly to you.

These emails can be highly personalized with merge fields specific to the person being emailed, just like a direct mail campaign. You can hyper-target the recipients through a detailed list and set up an exact schedule these emails are to go out.