Home » 10 Ways Application Hosting can Help you in Amplifying your Business

10 Ways Application Hosting can Help you in Amplifying your Business

In the modern-day world, many technological business solutions have emerged that have taken over other traditional solutions. Businesses have abandoned pen and paper, and move to the advanced technological solution that allows them to be accurate, efficient, and productive. Whether you are running a small business or a giant firm, the use of technology has become very important. Among the wide range of technological solutions available in the current era, application hosting is the most trending and admired one.

Cloud computing brought revolutionary changes in the industry and it allowed people to use the internet and its other platforms in a totally different way. Although there are different applications of cloud computing that are currently being used by businesses of all sizes and industry but in this blog post, we are going to talk specifically about application hosting.

Application hosting is a part of cloud hosting in which the business application is hosted on the public cloud server of the cloud provider or on the private server of in-house cloud infrastructure. The latter one is quite expensive and is not a feasible solution for small and medium-sized businesses. That’s why we are going to limit our discussion in this blog post to the first type of application hosting in which the application is hosted through a cloud hosting provider. Application hosting was first limited to the giant businesses only but with the introduction of third party cloud & application hosting became quite popular among small and medium-sized businesses as well.

So, let’s go through some of the most popular reasons why application hosting is a must for your small business and how can you use it to enhance the productivity of your business and amplify its growth rate.

Wide accessibility

One of the best parts of application hosting solutions like hosted QuickBooks is enhanced accessibility. While using traditional solutions, you are confined to your office desktop for accessing your data but that is not the case with application hosting. You can access your software seamlessly, regardless of your location and time. This is why application hosting gives you access while on the go and promotes mobility in your business.

No device restriction

When you are using a traditional solution then you have no other option than accessing your software and that data stored on it through your desktop but that is not the case with application hosting solution. One of the best advantages of application hosting is no device restriction. It doesn’t matter whether you are using your mobile or tablet; you can always have access to your cloud-hosted application without any trouble.

Bank-level security

Whether you are running a small business or giant business, your data will always be your most valuable asset. Nowadays, the increasing security and safety risk has made business owners more concerned about the safety of their product and this is why you should always use an application hosting solution. From double factor authentication to a new-gen anti-virus system, there are many security layers installed on the cloud platform to keep your data safe and secure.

Scale as per your need

Small businesses have the maximum chance of growth as they are at an infant stage of their business lifecycle. When you will be totally dependent upon your traditional solution then it will become quite difficult for you to scale up as per your growth. But application hosting offers you the required scalability and you can tune your cloud needs as per your increasing growth. In addition to this, you can also scale down if your cloud needs to decrease.

Collaboration becomes a pie

If you are not able to promote collaboration in your organization through traditional business solution then it’s high time for you to shift to the application hosting solution. The multi-user feature of application hosting solutions like QuickBooks Pro hosting allows you to work with other employees on the same file and along with real-time updates.

Pay as you go, model

You might be thinking that since you will be working on a cloud server, you will have to pay all the resources but that is not the case. The cloud hosting solutions like application hosting works on the pay as you go model which means that you will have to pay only for what you use.

Opt-out at any time

In addition to the scalability, you will also have the flexibility to opt-out of the application hosting service at any point in time. You should know that you are not bound by any type of contract while choosing a cloud hosting service.

Enhanced control over data

Another major advantage of shifting to the cloud platform in the form of application hosting is that you get enhanced control over data. As an admin, you can control the area which will be accessible to the other users and confine them from accessing sensitive areas of your application. This will make sure that you have seamless collaboration but with full control over your data.

Better availability

Availability is one of the major issues when it comes to business solutions. If the availability of a business solution is less then it will not only affect the productivity of the business but it will also hamper the effectiveness of employees as well. But application hosting comes with the advantage of high uptime as you are able to access your application without any interruption. Most of the cloud providers offer round the clock availability and give guaranteed high uptime of 99.95%.


One of the most common benefits of using application hosting is its affordability. The main reason why it is so much famous among small and medium-sized businesses is its affordability. Since the resource of the server is shared between different users, application hosting through the third party becomes quite affordable. You will be surprised to know that you can opt for application hosting in less than $30/month/user and that’s a very affordable price for such an advanced solution.