There are some great reasons why a test environment should be encouraged, when reviewing a software development cycle. Any time that a new software program is being developed for a specific market, there needs to be a plan. That generally means that the test environment for the software will help determine if the software developed is going to actually meet the needs of the customers.
We’ll start with the basics, and work our way up to the more technical issues that can occur if no testing is procured for new software being developed for the general public.
Keep reading to learn more about the test environment and how they greatly improve DevOps.
Testing Environments Root Out Defects, Design Issues and Fatal Flaws
The general life cycle of a software being developed for mass markets is quite simple. Software is created and designed, then stressed and tested, later repaired and patched, tested again and if it passes with flying colors, it is ready for sale to the consumers. Every time a new software enters into the testing environment, it will sweat the way a student goes into the end of the year’s biggest test.
The best software can ace the testing environments thrown at it, and isn’t that the point? Inside of the testing environment are opportunities for growth, development and innovation, which is the upside if the software fails anything that the testing environment throws at it. It is the best place on the planet to assess the robustness of the software being developed, and it offers a glimpse as to if the product meets the needs of the consumers.
Software Products Should Meet the Consumer’s Needs
This seems like the easiest question to answer, but it can be a tough requirement until it is actually met. Let’s think of it in the simplest terms: People who purchase software expect it to meet the needs for which they bought the software program. It seems to be an overly simple answer, but it is the exact point of the matter. If at any time the software is lacking in any expected category of function for the consumer, it can be deemed a failure.
If the software sold is a failure, it can flop in the consumer markets. The company can lose money, customer goodwill and eventually have to close its doors for lack of sales. This is not an extreme example of cause-and-effect, it is the definition of any healthy retail market in our country.
Ensure Your Software is Always User-Friendly
Consider someone buying a customer-tracking software program, that is expected to capture customer data, and allow tracking customer preferences keyed to the products being sold by a company. The first time the customer owner of the company uses the software product and it jams, glitches, freezes, deletes data accidentally, refuses to allow the use of a “back button,” well, you can see the major problems that are going to arise.
Forget about reviews that will be written with a thumbs down on the software product, that is the least of the developing software company’s problems. It is more important to test a consumer software product in test environments for any detrimental user situation, fix the issues and create the highest level product possible for consumer markets. That is the recipe for success, and it begins and ends in the test environment. You can check out Uffizzi for more information on software testing environments.